Discover China differs from other study tours by providing travel buddies throughout the
trip. These individuals are university students from different backgrounds, and thus allow
for a very colorful networking opportunity that will provide you with a solid starting point
should you wish to start/expand a business into China.

National Minorities

China is home to 56 Chinese Minority groups. During this trip, you will have the opportunity to meet the Yao people, a minority group that resides in mountainous regions within China and has held onto their tradition for years.


Chinese laborers are the driving force of the economy, and are the reason behind China’s thriving industry. They are definitely individuals that are worth talking to. Most labourers have left their villages to look for work in the city, so talking to them can help you shed light on the youth exodus in Chinese villages, including the motives that most young villagers have in leaving home.


Talk to farmers to learn how local farmers really feel about the developments of the agricultural industries, and where they think they stand as members of society.

Your Travel Buddies (University students)

Your travel buddies are most likely going to be the easiest people to talk to. They speak English, and they'll be delighted to help you expand your Chinese vocabulary. While we’re out in the field, they may even have some unique insights that may help you better understand the culture.

Village Elders

Elders are greatly respected in traditional culture. It makes a great deal of sense logically speaking since they have simply seen much more than anyone else. In our context, which involves chatting with the village elders, they have witnessed many major events in China’s history, including the highly controversial Cultural Revolution. As such, they have much to talk about regarding how the village and customs have changed over the years. Don't be fooled by their appearance, they make excellent conversation!


Discover China co-hosts with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

THE HKUST WAS NAMED AS NO.1 UNIVERSITY IN ASIA FOR THIRD STRAIGHT YEAR 2011-2013 BY QS UNIVERSITY RANKINGS: ASIA. Interface Education co-organizes with HKUST R and D Corporation (Shenzhen) to present Discover China to international travelers.